While some who are exposed to indoor mold develop allergies or asthma, mold spores may also lead to more serious illnesses. Still, the exact relationship between these conditions and mold exposure remains unclear.


Studies do show that increased time in moldy and damp areas can lead to a greater risk of respiratory infection, such as bronchitis. Yet these infections may result from actual bacteria in the area rather than the actual mold.

Pulmonary hemorrhage

Back in the 1990s, several children in Cleveland developed pulmonary hemorrhages. While an initial study stated mold exposure as a possible cause, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control later concluded that the exact cause was unknown.

“Toxic Mold Syndrome”

While “toxic mold syndrome” is a term used in litigation involving mold exposure, it is not a formal diagnosis recognized by doctors. However, the Environmental Protection Agency has defined “sick building syndrome” as a condition where patients develop vague symptoms following prolonged exposure to a specific building. Still, these symptoms can be caused by a variety of contaminants besides mold.