Your clients are lucky to have a realtor who is watching out for their best interests. You work hard to make sure the home buying process is as smooth as possible. One part of the process that shouldn’t be overlooked is the home inspection. Home inspections are a key step that realtors should suggest to their clients. After all, the inspection assesses the home’s condition. It provides the buyer with the appropriate information that will help them maintain their new home.
Here are five common home inspection mistakes you can help your clients avoid.
1. No Research on the Inspector
Many buyers and sellers do not research the inspector thoroughly in advance. It’s important that you help your clients choose a worthy inspector. You may want to ask several questions before hiring an inspector. Ask about experience, qualifications and if he or she is still current with the industry. You want the inspector to not only be able to spot weaknesses but to be able to explain them.
2. No Inspection Attendance
Encourage your client to attend the inspection and offer to attend with them. He or she may believe that there is little to nothing to gain by being there. This is not necessarily the case. While the owner or prospective owner should be able to learn about any problems from the report, attending the inspection itself can offer valuable first-hand understanding of potential issues.
3. No Presale Inspection
Presale inspections are helpful. Some sellers will leave the inspection to the buyer. If you are representing the seller, then you should try to convince him or her to get an inspection beforehand. This will allow them time to do any necessary repairs. In addition, it is a great selling point!
4. No Home Preparation
Home inspectors prefer it when homeowners prepare the home before an inspection. They can clear doorways, remove clutter and leave keys to sheds, attics and garages for the inspector. It is a great idea to make the process as easy as possible for the inspector.
5. No Thorough Reading
Encourage your client to read over the entire inspection report. Glancing over it just isn’t enough! Your clients should feel encouraged to make sure that the home is in the best possible shape for the money that he or she is paying. We would like to earn your trust and be the inspection company you recommend to others.