Don’t Plant a Problem Tree in Your Yard

Looking to add a tree to your yard? Trees can provide character, beauty, privacy and shade, but they last a long time. Before planting your new tree, make sure you have all the facts. Plan ahead when planting a small tree. It will eventually grow to be a large tree, so give it plenty of…

Install a Trap Door on Your Electric Receptacle

Do you have an outdoor electrical receptacle you like to use? It’s probably where you plug in the stereo while hanging out, outside. It may also be the source of electricity for your outdoor lights, especially during the holidays. Protect the Receptacles To protect these receptacles, it’s important to install a cover in any area…

Straighten and Clean Your Cooling Fins

Air must move through the condensing unit in your air conditioner to effectively cool your home. If the fins get bent or damaged, air flow may be restricted. Needed Tools Aluminum fins could get bent or damaged by debris or high pressures washing. Purchase a fin comb, or coil fin tool, to straighten bent fins.…

Diagnosing Allergies and Asthma After Mold Exposure

While studies are somewhat inconclusive, scientists have found a link between mold exposure and respiratory illness. If you have symptoms that seem to correlat with exposure to mold or damp locations, such as coughing, shortness of breath, and wheezing, it is important to get checked out by your doctor right away. Even if you do…

Chinese Money Trees

When it comes to enhancing our homes, houseplants are, for many of us, a logical go-to. While historically houseplants were an indulgence reserved for the upper classes, many more people today bring plants into their homes, to liven up the atmosphere as well as to include a bit of nature in the house. For those…

Should You Clean Your Air Ducts?

The duct work in your home or office circulates the air throughout the building either heating it or cooling it as it passes through the HVAC system. Over time, the ducts can become dirty with dust, debris and mold. Those areas of build up can contaminate the air you breathe indoors. The absence of large…

Beautify Your Yard: Shrub Maintenance Tips

There is nothing quite like a shrub to add some flair to your home’s landscaping. It doesn’t hurt that these attractive plants add privacy to make you feel more comfortable at home. However, just because they are a stylish addition to your yard does not mean that they are all fun; you still need to…