Outdoor Rated is Not Over Rated

A light bulb is a light bulb, right? Wrong. Light bulbs that will be exposed to moisture, rain, or snow need to be designed specifically to withstand those kinds of elements. Outdoor rated bulbs will have fine print either on the bulb itself or on the packaging indicating its ability to survive cold and damp…

Maintain a Functioning Air Conditioner System

The air conditioner moves air from outside to inside, and it cools the air in the process. The heat pump cools air by pumping heat out of the air. Check for Problems Consider the hazards of the outdoor environment and weather. Check for debris in condensing coils. Check for damage to condensing coil fins. Ensure…

Why Any Home May Have a Radon Issue

No matter where you live, or what type of house you reside in, you could be at risk for radon exposure. That is why you should test your home for radon as soon as possible. Radon Doesn’t Discriminate Radon is a radioactive gas that is found in most soils. It then moves from the soil…

Three Ideas for Summer Organization

Now that summer is here and you have warm days and long evenings to look forward to, why not get a jump start on organizing your home? As the year goes on, it can be easy to put this task aside. However, clearing your home of clutter can also help clear your mind. Grill Master…

My Lights Went Out! Inside the Breaker Box

All homeowners need to know where the main breaker box is and how it works. This is the steel box – usually a grey-blue color – that provides electricity to your entire house. Whenever you have an issue with power or need to turn it off, this is normally where you go. There can also…

How to Bleach Away a Water Stain

No one wants to have to repaint his or her entire ceiling. This takes a lot of time and effort. If you’re short on time, money and don’t have the time for a whole ceiling redo, you don’t need to worry about it. There is a trick to removing water stains. Here is what you…