Messy Wiring: A Sign of a Bigger Problem

Electricians won’t get any bonus points for organization. Technically, the ability for the wiring to conduct electricity has nothing to do with how organized the cables are. Still, if you look at your wiring and see a haphazard mess, take caution. There could be a larger problem at play. Signs of disorganization indicate that an…

The Best Way to Mark for Wet Saw Use

Wet saws can be great for performing tile work, because the addition of water helps keep friction from wearing down the blade, allowing you to keep your home improvement project moving. But, they can pose a difficulty when it comes to marking where to cut your lines. The use of water tends to make pencil…

6 Hidden Dangers in the Home to Watch Out For

Everybody wants a safe home. Unfortunately, it’s not always as simple as just keeping doors locked and the structure maintained. There are many surprising areas where your home may be exposing you and your family to unsafe conditions, and it’s probably not what you think. Mold One of the most common problems around homes is…

How to Repair a Light Fixture

If you have a malfunctioning light fixture, you may be able to fix the problem without calling an electrician. Sometimes, all a fixture needs to work properly is to have a better electrical connection between the light and the tab in the socket. Turn off the power to the light. Use a non-contact voltage tester…

Easy Repair for Loose Doorknobs

You may wonder why some of the doorknobs in your home or office are loose and wobbly. Over time, they may break or make it difficult to open a door. Instead of replacing the whole knob, did you know there are secret screws you can tighten for a more secure doorknob? Check the inside of…