My Lights Went Out! Inside the Breaker Box

All homeowners need to know where the main breaker box is and how it works. This is the steel box – usually a grey-blue color – that provides electricity to your entire house. Whenever you have an issue with power or need to turn it off, this is normally where you go. There can also…

How to Bleach Away a Water Stain

No one wants to have to repaint his or her entire ceiling. This takes a lot of time and effort. If you’re short on time, money and don’t have the time for a whole ceiling redo, you don’t need to worry about it. There is a trick to removing water stains. Here is what you…

Organize Your Home With a Professional Organizer

Organizing your home takes time and effort. If you already have a busy schedule, home organization might come last on your list. If this is the case, hiring a professional to help you with your home can be invaluable. The National Association of Professional Organizers offers certification to companies and individuals who are trained to…

Fourth of July Fun Facts

While you’re enjoying this year’s festivities on Independence Day, here are some fun facts to chew on at your annual cookout: Did you know that the Declaration of Independence wasn’t actually signed on July 4th? This important document was adopted by Congress on that date, but all of the signatures weren’t obtained until months later.…

What The Seller Should Expect from a Home Inspection

Home inspectors should be a welcome part of the home buying process for the seller the agent and the buyer. Not only will the inspector provide a list of items that need attention, but they also, by the process of elimination, indicate all the areas of the home that are in working order. If you’re…

Home Air Conditioning Systems: What is the Difference?

You need a new air conditioner, but how do you choose which one to buy? Every system is so unique, and you may not know what the differences are. Options Window: They are small, self-contained units that eject heat outdoors. They work well if properly sized for the space they are cooling. Portable: Attach the…

Flush Out That Toilet Bowl Leak

Your water bill can be adversely affected by an unstopped toilet bowl leak, not to mention the potential damage to floors or walls when they are constantly exposed to water, however small the amount. Don’t flush your money down the drain by allowing a leak to go unchecked. Here is a simple test to see…

Don’t Plant a Problem Tree in Your Yard

Looking to add a tree to your yard? Trees can provide character, beauty, privacy and shade, but they last a long time. Before planting your new tree, make sure you have all the facts. Plan ahead when planting a small tree. It will eventually grow to be a large tree, so give it plenty of…