How to Repair a Light Fixture

If you have a malfunctioning light fixture, you may be able to fix the problem without calling an electrician. Sometimes, all a fixture needs to work properly is to have a better electrical connection between the light and the tab in the socket. Turn off the power to the light. Use a non-contact voltage tester…

Easy Repair for Loose Doorknobs

You may wonder why some of the doorknobs in your home or office are loose and wobbly. Over time, they may break or make it difficult to open a door. Instead of replacing the whole knob, did you know there are secret screws you can tighten for a more secure doorknob? Check the inside of…

DIY Drawer Dividers

Do you have plenty of drawer space but find it difficult to keep everything organized? While you can purchase drawer organizers, these pre-made devices may not fit correctly in your drawers or may not have the right spacing for your drawers’ contents. Instead of spending money on ineffective organization tools, there’s a simple DIY fix…

How to Install Outdoor Lighting and Outlets

Need more outdoor lighting, but don’t have the plugs to provide electricity? You could resort to self-powered solar lights, or you could install a new outlet for outdoor lighting. Installing outdoor lighting is something most handymen and women can do on their own, even if there currently isn’t a source of electricity available in the…

Credit at Closing vs. Repairs

When your listing receives an accepted offer, expect the buyer to enlist the services of a home inspector before the contract is complete. Even a brand-new home isn’t perfect. Buyers often use home inspections to negotiate during the buying process. Home Inspection Purpose A home inspection is designed to ensure there aren’t any significant defects…

Create a Welcoming Mirror and Message Board

It’s hard for families to stay connected during the week. Everyone is running off in different directions. It’s nice to have a home base area in your house to organize everything and to share important bits of information. Start your own message board with this cute and simple idea. Find a full-length mirror and mount…

Best Way to Store Miscellaneous Items

We all have that one drawer that holds all of our miscellaneous junk. Some of us even keep our unwanted screws and bolts in a coffee can. But, with these setups, it can become impossible to find what you’re looking for, or even to know if what you need is in the drawer in the…

Fix Loose Furniture Joints

Loose joints in pieces of furniture can be dangerous. Joints loosen over time with use of the furniture, or as the bonds between the two parts weaken. It’s important to fix them as soon as possible to avoid any injuries. Epoxy fills gaps while also repairing the wiggle. Buy a small double syringe from the…