Check on Your Radon Mitigation System

How do you know if your radon mitigation system is working? Like your fire alarms and other gas detectors, you may let this very important maintenance chore fall by the wayside, but you shouldn’t. Make it a habit to check this and other alarms on a regular basis. Though systems vary, your system should have…

A Jack Is No Substitute for a Foundation

Old houses tend to sag after a while. The correct fix involves jacking the floors back into place and then adding structural beams to keep them there. Some do-it-yourselfers jack the floor back in place and stop there. Years go by and nothing changes. One end of a beam still rests on the sill. That…

Focus on Clean Gutters This Season

With the beautiful colors of the season, there is also an abundance of leaves. Say no to leaks and gutters clogging by cleaning out your gutters regularly. When you have your gutters regularly cleaned by a professional, you don’t have to worry about: Leaky basements Cracked foundations Compromised driveways Termites and other pests Home exterior…

Choosing the Best Kind of Light Bulb

There are several types of light bulbs available, and each one offers its own benefits. Here are some tips on choosing the best light bulb for your home. Brightness, Color, and Energy-Efficiency You can lower your energy usage and save money on your utility bills by switching from incandescent bulbs to CFL or LED varieties.…

How Basement Mold Appears

One of the last things you want to find in your home is mold. The basement is a common area to discover this substance. When you understand how basement mold grows, you can stop it from happening. Water Problems A flood or leaky pipe can not only cause immediate damage to the floor, walls or…

Foster New Growth

Spring and summer are your lawn’s time to shine. The prep work you do in the fall, though, makes your lawn really stand out during the sunnier seasons. Below the Surface Your grass is still growing even when nothing is happening on the surface. Adding lawn fertilization to your fall home maintenance checklist protects the…

Buying a Home With Radon

Buying a home can be an exciting time and when you find the home of your dreams you need to act fast. If your offer is accepted, you’ll begin the buying process with appraisals and inspections. During these critical steps, it is possible that test results could come back and reveal that you’re buying a…

Organize Your Storage Spaces

It isn’t just bigger storage areas like garages or closets that can benefit from a little creative thinking when it comes to home organization tips. Taking the time to streamline little spaces like desk drawers and medicine cabinets can make your life a lot easier when you’re looking for something specific. Get Creative With Cardboard Do you…

Does Your Exhaust Fan Need Some Love?

Do you know what the number one unsung hero in your bathroom is? It’s the exhaust fan. This little guy does a world of good to keep your bathroom beautiful and clean. Every time you take one of those relaxing hot showers that steam up the mirror, the exhaust fan gets rid of all the…